Sabbath Usage for Conferences
Sabbath Usage in Conjunction with a Conference
Use of the Howard Center is primarily for the performance of music. Use of the Howard Center for church services is generally discouraged. The Steering Committee occasionally makes exceptions for conferences held at the Howard Center. To be eligible for this usage, the conference will need to be a minimum of two days.
Business Transactions
The Sabbath is a day of rest, worship, and ministry, in harmony with the teaching and practice of Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath. To ensure that the Sabbath is honored by everyone participating in this service, the Howard Performing Arts Center requires that this agreement be read and signed prior to Sabbath Usage.
It is understood that this church service is a not-for-profit function. The only money collected is to be for tithes and offering. The rental rate is to be paid by the Thursday before your church service. The audio technician payment is to be paid no later than Friday of the week following. There are to be no business transactions during Sabbath usage. No tickets, merchandise, or concessions are to be sold.
A run sheet of your program and a meeting with Howard Center management or the audio technician for your church service are required by the Thursday before your service. If a rehearsal for music is required, arrangements must be made with management at the signing of this agreement. No Howard Center volunteers will be provided for your church service. You must recruit your own help (i.e. deacons, offering collectors, programs distributors, stage hands, runners, etc.). Howard Center management and/or staff will be on hand the day of your service to help in emergency situations, ensure the building is cared for, turn on lights, unlock doors, and answer questions.
The rehearsal schedule must be included with the rental agreement. A sound technician or other Howard Center Representative must be present at all rehearsals. The regular rate of $26 per hour will apply. Rehearsal time is not guaranteed and is subject to availability.
No Howard Center volunteers will be provided for a church service. You must recruit your own help (i.e. deacons, offering collectors, programs distributors, stage hands, runners, etc.). Howard Center management and/or staff will be on hand the day of the service to help in emergency situations, ensure the building is cared for, turn on lights, unlock doors, and answer questions.
A Howard Center audio technician is required to run A/V equipment and lights. The rate is $26/hr for a minimum of 2 hours.
The projector/screen rental fee is $150.